Dedicated to improving the quality of legal practice in Colorado's federal courts.
Due to continued COVID concerns, this program will be presented as a WEBINAR only.
There is no fee for this program BUT registration is required.
Please join representatives of the Federal Pro Se Clinic, the Federal Limited Appearance Program, and the U.S. District Court Civil Pro Bono Panel for a lunchtime presentation on pro bono opportunities at the U.S. District Court. The three programs offer distinct approaches to providing full scale or limited pro bono representation for pro se parties, and each program can fit an individual attorney’s or law firm’s level of availability. Since many firms have a 50-hour pro bono policy, getting involved with any or all of the three pro bono programs is a great way to serve the community and get some experience with the federal court system. Click HERE and HERE for the materials.
2 general CLE credits requested.