Dedicated to improving the quality of legal practice in Colorado's federal courts.
12 NOON-1:15 P.M.
This experienced panel will address issues including:
* How to accomplish professional and meaningful conferral in advance of hearings, with reference to Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.3 (diligence), Rule 3.1 (meritorious claims and contentions), Rule 3.2 (expediting litigation), and Rule 3.4 (fairness to opposing party and counsel).
* Practical steps attorneys can take to prepare for common hearings and to ease conflict and burden during litigation, including:
* Professionalism between counsel, with reference to Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct Preamble and Rule 3.4.
* Minimizing burdens on the court in diversity jurisdiction cases;
* Proactively addressing ESI and Rule 26 discovery issues, with reference to Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct 3.3 (candor to the tribunal), and Rule 3.4; and,
* Other observations regarding how practitioners can be more effective when practicing in Federal Court, with a particular emphasis on Court expectations and managing contentious litigation and relationships. Click HERE for the materials.
.4 Ethics/2 General CLE credits approved.